mandag den 27. december 2010

Free Internet Marketing Coaching Program

Written by George Manty  · December 16, 2010

Do you want personal free coaching to learn how to make money online?

In just a few weeks, Trent, Jill and I will be taking applications to be part of our FREE coaching program. We will be taking on a very limited number of quality individuals to train in running a successful Internet business. The three most important factors that will influence your chances of being chosen are:

1. Writing ability
Can I Make Big Money Online has always been about helping people learn. If you are accepted into the coaching program, we want to help others at the same time that we help you. So, anyone accepted will be writing 1 or more blog posts a month about their progress and/or things they have learned. Because of this, anyone accepted needs to be a proficient writer. That doesn’t mean you need to be able to write award winning copy or the great American novel. But you do need to write clearly, with some personality and with minimal need for editing.

2. Commitment To Follow Directions
Normally, I don’t require that our clients follow all of our directions. However, we are giving away free private individual coaching, so we can’t accept people into the program unless they are going to follow our directions and do what we ask of them.

3. Persistence
We need you to be committed to following our instructions for at least 12 months. Most people last about 3 months when they try to make a living online, then they give up. If you are a quitter, then don’t apply.

What you will get:
You will get monthly coaching from Trent, Jill and I to help you run a successful business. We will help you either improve your current business or start a new business from scratch that ideally suits your talents and skill.

What we expect in return
You will become an author on Can I Make Big Money Online so people can follow your progress and learn some of the things you learn. You will write at least 1 blog post a month to help readers learn from your experience.

Like I said, we are only go to accept a very small number of people into the program. If it interests you and you are willing to do what it takes to make a living online, then you need to go join our Facebook page, by clicking like on our facebook page. We will be posting the application and more details of the program on our facebook page in the coming weeks. The only way you can get into the free coaching program is by liking our fan page. Click here to visit the Can I Make Big Money Online fan page and remember to click the like button to learn more about the coaching program.

Let us know if you have any questions.

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